Eastburn Hypnotherapy Center

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Thinking About Kicking The Habit? Here's How Hypnosis Can Effectively Help It

It’s estimated that over 30 million adults in the U.S. regularly smoke cigarettes. While we’ve seen a downward trend in smokers over the years, it’s safe to say that number is still quite alarming. 

Considering all of the health risks and potential problems smoking can cause, it’s not uncommon for people who do it to want to quit. 

Of course, that’s often easier said than done. 

Nicotine is addictive, and whether you smoke to relax, socially, or strictly out of habit, quitting “cold turkey” doesn’t always work. 

If you’re sick of patches and gum, and you’ve tried other ineffective ways to kick the habit, it might be time to give hypnosis a try. 

Why Hypnosis Is Effective

Hypnosis has been stereotyped over the years thanks to television shows and movies depicting it as something it’s not. 

When you’re hypnotized properly, you’re not asleep. You’re fully awake and aware. However, you’re in a state of deep relaxation. That can help you (and your hypnotherapist) accomplish a few important things. 

Your mind is more open to suggestions in this state. Your hypnotherapist can encourage you to stop smoking, make healthier choices, and form new, better habits. 

You can also become so convinced of the negative aspects of smoking that you don’t even want to look at another cigarette. 

The Power of Relaxation

Hypnosis often helps people find a state of relaxation and tranquility. You can look deeper to discover your “triggers” for smoking. Or, you can find the root cause that makes you light up each day. When you learn how to better manage your stress levels through hypnosis, you might not crave those cigarettes as much as you once did. You’ll have healthier ways of coping and relaxing. 

That deep state of stress-free relaxation can also make it easier to stay in control. Cravings can still occur. The effects of nicotine withdrawal can still occur. However, the relaxation effects can make those things easier to deal with, so you’re less likely to give in. 

Instead, you’ll be more likely to look inward and use your own resources to curb your cravings and fight back against withdrawal symptoms. You’ll recognize your own strength and ability to say “no” to a cigarette, no matter how tempting it might be. 

What to Expect During a Hypnotherapy Session

Again, you’re not going to be asleep during a hypnosis session. 

Instead, your therapist will guide you into a trance-like state of relaxation. The goal of this state is to help you center your mind and be open to suggestions. General sessions can last about 60 minutes, though some may go longer. 

As with many other types of therapy, it’s important for your hypnotherapist to get to know you before you’re hypnotized for the first time. Things like medical history are important, as well as an explanation of why you’re using hypnosis, and what you hope to achieve through your sessions. 

Before your first hypnotherapy session, it’s important to make sure you do your research. Hypnosis works best on those who are completely comfortable with the process and open to change. If you’re flexible and excited to experience the changes your brain can make to help you kick the habit, this could be the right solution for you. 

However, if you still have reservations about using hypnosis to kick the habit, I’m here to answer any questions. Let’s break some of the stereotypes you might have about hypnosis and get to the real benefits of the process. Feel free to contact me for more information. Don't hesitate to set up an appointment, and let’s work on helping you become smoke-free for the rest of your life through smoking cessation and hypnosis.