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Weight Loss Hypnosis

Weight Loss Hypnosis

Are You Struggling To Lose Weight?

weight loss hypnotherapy

Are you frustrated by your apparent inability to lose weight? Have you tried nearly everything—including strategies such as Weight Watchers, low-carb, low-calorie, fasting, supplements, and exercise—only to be disappointed by the results? You may wonder if biological reasons such as a slow metabolism are to blame. 

On the other hand, you may have identified an effective weight loss strategy but you feel unable to stick with it. If the diet required is very restrictive—or the fitness plan particularly demanding—the frustratingly slow progress you get in exchange for your efforts may feel unsustainable, especially if you’ve been under high stress or struggling with depression. Cutting yourself off from one of the few things that helps you cope might feel impossible given all of the other demands on your time and energy.

Even as you consider giving up altogether, you may be constantly reminded of why you want to lose weight. Every frustrating fitting room experience, strained seam, and piece of “helpful” weight loss advice from friends may remind you of past “failures.” Even when you try to escape by watching TV or surfing the internet, you’re bombarded with ads for weight loss supplements and diet programs. You may also have received a troubling warning or diagnosis from your doctor. Moreover, your romantic and family life might be suffering, leading to feelings of guilt and shame. 

Fed up, you might be exploring drastic measures such as bariatric surgery. Or you might wonder if there is any point in trying something new. The only real failure, though, is to stop trying. 

You’re Not The Only One Who “Can’t” Lose Weight. . . 

One in three people in the United States is obese, and more than seven in ten U.S. adults are overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Given the tremendous societal, biological, and psychological factors stacked against people who are trying to lose weight, it is no wonder so many people struggle.

Biologically, our need for food is rooted in the subconscious mind. Throughout most of human history, a strong desire to consume as much calorie-rich food as possible would have been a positive survival trait. Today, at a time when food is now incredibly abundant, this same instinct works against us.

Modern culture only makes things harder on those struggling to shed pounds. Social occasions are typically organized around food, and co-workers, neighbors, and family members routinely tempt us. Whether you’re working, celebrating, or socializing, unhealthy food is always close at hand. And because food often serves as a source of temporary relief from our overworked, stress-addled society, this temptation is a recipe for failure.

The food industry and the billions of dollars it spends on food promotion each year reinforce our food obsession. Catering to our desire for affordability and their own desire for profit, food producers have turned to the cheapest ingredients, adding things like sugar and high-fructose corn syrup to nearly everything. 

Profit is also the major driving factor behind the $72 billion U.S. weight loss industry, leading to weight loss “solutions” that offer little more than false promises. Corporations (and well-intentioned friends and family) are ill-equipped to answer the difficult question of how to lose weight. Fortunately, though, the answer lies within each of us, in our subconscious minds.

The Connection Between Hypnosis And Weight Loss

hypno denver

You may have heard that all you need to do to lose weight is to change your diet and exercise more. Many “experts” claim there is a simple formula: just take in fewer calories than you burn. But if you’re reading this page, you already know that it isn’t always that easy. If it was, everyone would be thin!

According to Johns Hopkin University’s Benjamin Caballero, obesity is a complex problem driven by physiological, social, and behavioral factors. These factors must be addressed before sustainable weight loss can take place. That’s why hypnosis is such a wonderful tool for increasing weight loss success rates and hastening weight reduction

Weight loss hypnosis can help you address the physiological causes of subconscious eating, stopping your food cravings before they start. If you are in the habit of eating unhealthy foods in social settings, when you’re in front of the TV or computer, or when you’re under stress, we can help you create new neural pathways and new behaviors to break those habits. 

We recognize that for a vast majority of people, willpower alone isn’t enough to lose weight. During sessions, we can help you develop new habits and ways of responding to stress and other triggers in ways that shortcut the need for self-control. Rather than trying to force yourself to have a vegetable for a snack instead of a piece of cake, imagine how much easier it would be if you instinctively reached for the healthier option without even thinking about it.

The often-uphill struggle to lose weight can be extremely discouraging. If you haven’t yet reached your target weight, your subconscious mind may interpret any past attempts to lose weight as “failures,” even if they worked for a while. Weight loss hypnosis can help restore your motivation and confidence so you can stick to your weight loss plan long enough to give it a chance to work. 

Every client we work with has different goals and preferences as to how they would like to lose weight, as well as unique obstacles between themselves and success. That’s why we customize each session to address your specific needs and situation, whether your excess weight is caused by childhood trauma, unhealthy habits, high stress, low metabolism, or other issues. 

We’ll help you experience for yourself the many benefits and joys of losing weight, including greater health and vitality, higher self-confidence, and a more enjoyable love and sex life. Not to mention fitting into that “goal pair of jeans” that’s been sitting in your dresser!

As you consider hypnotherapy for weight loss, you may be wondering. . . 

I’ve tried so many other things. What if weight loss hypnosis is just another empty promise?

If you haven’t yet found a weight loss strategy that works for you, you might be tempted to give up. You might chalk your situation up to a slow metabolism and conclude that there is nothing you can do about it. The hard truth is that while genetics may load the gun, you pull the trigger by eating more than your body needs. Hypnosis can greatly increase your chances of losing weight, even if the genetic cards are stacked against you. There is even some evidence that hypnosis can increase your metabolism.

How quickly will this work?

weight loss hypnosis

Weight loss hypnosis helps you physiologically rewire your brain, so it typically provides more rapid results than diet, exercise, and willpower alone can provide. That said, hypnosis isn’t a magic wand, and changes may not happen overnight. It is necessary to attend a minimum of four sessions with us to ensure the subconscious suggestions take hold. For even faster results, we recommend that you take advantage of the audio recordings we provide.

Do I have to exercise?

The subconscious mind is extremely powerful in terms of controlling our behavior, but it doesn’t distinguish between “good” habits and “bad” habits. Whether you are in the habit of eating a sugary doughnut every morning or going to the gym, the subconscious mind views these habits in the same way. If you would like to exercise more, we can help you build and embrace an exercise routine. That said, we won’t include exercise hypnosis in your sessions if exercise isn’t part of your plan or goal. The best weight loss hypnosis is built to work for you. Exercise isn’t a mandatory component, and many of our weight loss hypnosis clients have successfully lost weight without it. 

Stop Struggling And Start Shedding Pounds

Many hypnosis practitioners have limited experience, but our therapists have been practicing hypnosis for more than 20 years. Hypnosis is our specialty, and we’ve refined our methods over the years to provide you with the best possible experience. We even developed our own proprietary method.

Are you ready to stop spinning your wheels and try something that really works? If you’re ready to stop struggling to lose weight, contact us to schedule your appointment. Still not sure if hypnosis is right for you? You’re welcome to set up a free, in-office consultation to discuss your unique situation and goals.

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Weight Mastery

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“Good Morning,

My name is Miranda and I took your Weight Mastery course approximately 3-4 years ago through Colorado Free University.  I just wanted to let you know that the information you provided was very helpful and I have lost over 100 pounds!  I listen to the Weight Mastery CD you provided periodically and it helps me to "stay on task!"

I thank God that this course was offered at that time as it was just what I needed.

Take Care and God Bless!”

“I had not been working at the office for very long when Drake recorded some new weight loss CD’s and started listening to them in the next room to test them out. I hadn’t really been listening, and although I could barely hear it, I found myself repeating the phrases in my head over and over. I started losing weight unexpectedly and without even trying. Before I knew it I had lost 10lbs! It just goes to show how powerful and potent Drake’s hypnosis really is.”

-Molly Jenkins, LMFT, CH,
Former Office Manager of Eastburn Hypnotherapy Center

“This is a “must read” for anyone who has struggled with weight and the crushing negative consequences obesity brings to one’s health, relationships, activity and self-esteem. Drake’s approach awakens the many internal tools we have at our service, and he demolishes the many deceptions and half truths we are faced with everyday from diet programs and pills. Using hypnosis, imagination, relaxation and focus, Drake shows how we can begin to reorient our relationship with food, our bodies and our life. I happen to be a Catholic sister and my experience with hypnosis is so complimentary to my experiences with prayer. Whenever I can move away from the obstacles that block my conscious or unconscious freedoms, I am free to become more fully the person God intended me to be. Whether it is food, smoking, hurtful memories, or other tangled attachments, hypnotherapy can provide a powerful tool for breaking through and enjoying freedom and a sense of peace.”

-Sister Peg Maloney, RSM Sister of Mercy Religious Studies Faculty, Regis University