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Using Hypnosis To Relieve Stress: Four Ways It Works

Everyone experiences stress. Even when things in your life are going well, stress is going to be there. While a little stress can actually be a good thing, too much can contribute to both mental and physical health issues. 

You might not be able to completely get rid of your stress. However, there are things you can do to manage it each day. 

If you’ve tried stress-reducing techniques before and they haven’t worked the way you wanted, it might be time to consider hypnosis. 

When used the correct way, hypnosis is a great way to relieve stress, feel more in control of your emotions, and be more relaxed. 

If you’ve never considered hypnosis to relieve stress before, let’s cover four ways it works, so you can feel more confident about giving it a try.

1. It Puts You in a Relaxed State

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis doesn’t put you to sleep. You’re fully conscious throughout each session. 

However, it does put you in a deeply relaxed state. In doing so, your mind fights tension and triggers your relaxation response. Those moments of relaxation can carry over after your session is complete, allowing you to feel less stressed for longer periods of time. If you’re experiencing negative symptoms associated with stress, hypnosis can almost immediately relieve them.

2. It Helps With Stress Triggers

In addition to helping you relax in the moment, hypnosis can also make it easier to respond to stressors in a positive, calming way. 

Throughout your sessions, your hypnotherapist will guide you to imagine something that typically causes you to become stressed or anxious. In that relaxed state, you’ll learn to overcome those feelings, so when you encounter those triggers later, they won’t feel so overwhelming. 

As a whole, hypnosis can change your perspective on stressful situations. You might start to see them as less important or overwhelming as you once did, reframing your whole mindset and allowing you to live in a calmer state, overall.

3. You’ll Sleep Better

Some people consider hypnotherapy solely to achieve better sleep. Even if that’s not your ultimate goal, it’s a byproduct that can help to reduce your stress levels. 

Stress and not getting enough sleep often fall into a vicious cycle. The more stressed you are, the harder it is to get quality sleep. Unfortunately, the less sleep you get, the more stressed you’re likely to be. Hypnosis can help with both, breaking the cycle and allowing you to experience a deeper, more calming sleep each night.

4. It Can Improve Self-Esteem

Stress often creeps into our lives because of the “what ifs”. Those “what ifs” are usually triggered by feelings of self-consciousness and uncertainty. 

Hypnosis can improve your confidence and self-esteem, which makes it easier to establish healthy boundaries in your life. 

If the majority of your stress is caused by being too busy, overwhelmed, or having difficulty saying “no” to people, this can help. You’ll feel stronger in your peaceful state of mind, and won’t always feel as self-conscious around others, which will automatically make you feel more relaxed. 

Hypnosis is great for calming you down in moments of extreme stress, but it’s also a wonderful long-term tool for stress reduction and management. Again, you might not be able to remove the stress from your life completely. But, hypnosis can help you change your view of it and how much it impacts you. 

If you’re interested in learning more about using hypnosis to relieve stress, don’t hesitate to contact me for anxiety hypnotherapy. I’m happy to answer any additional questions you might have about the process. Or, we can set up an appointment so you can experience the benefits of hypnosis for yourself.